Sunday, December 30, 2012

Proper introduction...

It's been years since I have been active in the blogging community, and the changes are overwhelming. I am going to gradually work my way into this and hope for the best. 

To get started I think I should properly introduce myself. 

My name is Christina. It's wonderful to meet you here. I'm a devoted wife and mommy to two wonderful guys. (We'll call them Big C and Little C for blogging purposes.) Big C is also a teacher, but on the middle school level. He's my best friend, and my biggest supporter. I couldn't do as well at life without him. Little C is our light. I am still in awe that I get to be a mom to such a wonderful little person.

I am currently a 4th grade teacher at a wonderful elementary school. I've been teaching for 7 years, and I feel as though I grow in a million different ways by the end of each little journey. I am blessed to work with some amazing friends, and have the awesome responsibility of sharing moments with 21 little pupils each day. We work hard at our learning, and we work even harder at enjoying ourselves along the way. I believe I learn as much from them as they do from me. We are a team in the classroom, and we all strive to work together. Some days are better than others, but with some deep breaths and some mindful prayer I get through them!

I would like for this blog to be a place I can share thoughts on these three aspects of my life. They all continue to shape me, and change my perspective. I appreciate any thoughts and feedback on postings, and would love to read your blog as well. 

Thanks for being here for the beginning of my (second) blogging journey. 

Here is a basic operations freebie using the current calendar year! Hurry- it's almost 2014!



Shiny Mess

Shiny Mess
TC and Momma